Thursday, February 16, 2012


I have a love/hate relationship with cooking.  Some days I love it, some days I don’t!  I always enjoy it most when I have everything ready to go and it is not a complicated recipe. I love to do things in the crock pot too.  I work and am always on the go so I am always looking out for easy and yummy new recipes. 

I love watching the Food Network but I have to tell you  I have fallen in love with The Pioneer Woman. She has such a neat story and I was born in Wyoming so I have western roots.  She is fun to watch!   I love her blog but what I love most is her recipes.  They are so easy.  She explains every step which I really appreciate.  She gives you exact measurements which I really appreciate and she shows pictures of each step which makes it so much easier to follow.  My sister gave me her cook book for Christmas and there is so much I want to try.  I made two of her recipes in the past few weeks.  One was from last weeks show and it was so yummy.  A few weeks ago she made this soup on the show and highlighted it on her blog.  It was the Tuscan Bean Soup.  She cooked hers with shrimp.  I did chicken in mine and we all loved it. 

I am very grateful for anyone who can make the never ending job of preparing meals a little more fun! The Pioneer Woman does that for me!!  If you have not already check out her blog!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Daddy Date Night

This past Friday night there was a Daddy Date Night at school.  My girls were both soooo excited to get dressed up and go with daddy on a real date.  I think they would have preferred not to share but that’s ok. 

They were so cute deciding what to wear.  They wanted to look their best and wear lip gloss.  They asked for mousse in their hair and on and on it went.  The funny thing was that they both wanted him to be all decked out too.  They really wanted him to wear a suit.  He compromised and wore a sports coat and tie and he even tried to color coordinate with them.  Best daddy ever!

I have to admit that while we were getting ready and planning I was convicted two ways…One being…do I always look my best for my husband?  Do I want to please him and make what I am doing special for him?  Sometimes it is so easy to put on the glitz and glam when we are dating but how about 10 years later?  I decided I need to work on this.

Secondly I was convicted about my heavenly Father.  I sure want to do and be my best for Him as well.  I want Him to be pleased with how I act, what I say, and what I think.  Overall it was a really good reminder to me.

They had a wonderful time.  They came home with roses and lots of memories.  I am so thankful for a husband who is willing to invest time in his two little princesses.  What a great daddy!!

Here is one picture from the night.

Oh how I love my family!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

100 Days

On Monday it was the 100th day of school for the girls.  Michaela’s class really did not plan anything but Sophia’s class was going to be having a celebration.  They were given a project to do…I have to admit I was very excited…our first school project.  I have told my husband that once they enter the world of paper projects I will completely let that be all him but if it involves glue or other crafty stuff…it’s mine!  They had to bring in 100 objects and it could be anything and they needed to display them somehow.  So we went to work.  Sophia loves to color!  When she was younger she would color anywhere and everywhere (carpet, walls, clothes…the list goes on).  I have become a mom who only buys Crayola washable products.  I would recommend them to any other mom who has a color everywhere type of child.  I also love color wonder products.  Ok, back to the project.  Due to her love of crayons I thought we could somehow bring in 100 crayons.  So when thinking of a fun way to display them we came of with flowers (another favorite of Sophia) and making a little garden on a display board.

Here is the finished project.  We used sidewalk chalk to make the background sky and grass.  We glued 10 crayons for each flower and then used a marker for the stem of the flower.  I was one proud momma.  I think she was very excited too!!

We did this on Saturday and by Sunday morning my sweet Sophia was sick L  I took her to the Dr. and she had another bad sinus infection (I hate all the pollen).  So she missed her 100th day celebration and her 101st day celebration but you better believe we brought the project in for the 103rd day! 

I am so thankful for my Sophia.  I hope she still loves coloring for many more years!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Say Thanks!!

My husband and I were attending the Jacksonville Pastors' Conference at First Baptist Church this past week and I met a very dear lady...

A year ago I was going through some very difficult times in my life.  Too much to write about now...maybe someday.  Anyways, I was up most nights for hours as my family slept away.  So I did a lot of reading.  One night I happened to read Kelly Stamps blog.  I liked her immediately as she had a little girl and grew up in a pastor's home.  Two things I could really relate with.  Her little three year old Harper was very sick at birth and was in the NICU for sometime.  Our little Sophia was also born with some difficulties (nothing nearly as serious as Harper but she was in the NICU for a few days).  So I felt somewhat connected through that too.  So I read her blog and ultimately her mothers blog.  Many nights those blogs became such an encouragement to me.  To "read" someone else's story, hear their struggles, weep with them, and see our Lord intervene in some trying times.  Anyways, they became two of my favorite blogs to read.

One night while reading Miss Judy's blog I read that she and her husband come to the Pastors' Conference at First Baptist Jax every year.  This was last year and we had just been and I immediately thought how fun it would be to meet her.  I tucked that information away and thought maybe next year.

Fast forward to this I tell my husband how much I would really like to meet her, etc.  There are thousands of people there and he says that he prays I do but don't get my hopes up.

So Thursday came and went, nothing.  Friday came and went, nothing.  Finally Saturday night was upon us.  This was our last night as we were needing to be at our church on Sunday all day.  So this was my final chance.  I prayed about it.  I talked with Michael again and again he was not very encouraging...but then not 3 minutes later...there she was.  I could NOT believe it.  There she was walking in with a group.  I ran over to meet her.  I was crying and I don't think I sounded/looked normal at all but I know God sent her there just at the right time so I could just say thanks.  Thank you for encouraging me along this dark road I have been walking through.  Thank you for letting your light shine so brightly for Jesus.  Thank you to Kelly for telling her story every day.  I just wanted to say "thanks" and the Lord gave me that opportunity.  I wish I had a picture to share but I don't (great planning on my part I know) but I will never forget it!!

If you haven't read their blogs yet...please do.  You will be so encouraged.  Here are their links...

So the moral of this little story never know what a blessing you are to someone!!