Saturday, September 29, 2012

False Alarm

Let's talk about my little Sophia...she is a funny girl!  

The past few days she has been complaining about the inside of her ankle.  I can't remember the exact name of the area...medial something??  So this afternoon I took her to the Care Spot so they could do a quick x-ray.

Doesn't she look miserable...not!

It was very swollen and when I touched it she would cry out in pain.

Well...$50 dollars and two hours later we found out that nothing was seriously wrong just a very severe bruise.  Good news!

She was very disappointed as she was sure she was coming home on crutches and in a cast (ha!)

Another exciting day at the Ramondetta house :)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Grammy!!

Today is my mom's birthday!  She is such a bright spot in our lives and we love her so much! 

 Happy Birthday Mom!!

Best cake in the world :)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Fall Y'all

This being the first day of FALL, I thought we would do some fallish things...

Michaela and I made some crock pot Apple Butter.  It is so easy and usually turns out very yummy!  This year we even bought fancy little jars.  She loved this project.

Sophia and I spotted this pumpkin project on Pinterest.  Unfortunately ours did not turn out quite as cute but they were yummy.

It may not feel like Fall outside but it seemed like Fall inside :)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Night Fun

Tonight we went to a concert at a local church.  It was a late night but the girls were saying they were hungry.  So we shocked them and took them to Cracker Barrel at 9:45 p.m.  Anyone who knows me knows how huge that is!  I snapped a picture when we sat down because they both were so happy for this fun treat!!

This was 35 minutes later...Michaela is still going strong, enjoying her ice cream.

Sophia on the other hand was D.O.N.E.  

I love these two very different girls SO much!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Open House ~ 2012

Tonight was Open House at school.  It had been a crazy afternoon.  It was raining and I have never seen so many accidents!  We decided that rather than go home we just stayed in town and then went straight to the school.  On a side note...big news...we can now eat at Chick-Fil-A!!  Due to Sophia's peanut allergy we just never went but we have slowly discovered she is ok with things that are fried in peanut oil.  FYI CFA fries everything in peanut oil hence the reason we have avoided it.  All that to say it has become the only fast food place we all agree on :)

So after school we headed to CFA and Target.  Then we headed to Open House.  This year they organized it so you spent 30 minutes with each teacher.  Every teacher prepared a slide presentation with important information.  It was a great way to get to know the teachers better and see what our little ladies do all day.

We started in Sophia's room...

Sophia has always loved to draw rainbows.  I bet this project was one of her favorites.

Then we headed to Michaela's Classroom...

I thought this was sooo cute!  They had to write about blowing bubbles.  

Monday, September 17, 2012


I am SO BEHIND on my blogging.  We have been hit hard with the back to school germs and the fall allergies...yuck!  Not to mention just plain busy.  I am going to do my very best to catch up this week.

On another note tonight was such a calm night and we definitely needed that.  We picked my dad up from the airport, dropped him off at his house and then headed home.  We did homework.  The girls played a little.  They did their reading.  I did lots of laundry.  They took baths.  We had a nice dinner.  Nothing exciting but really just the way I like it.  The girls were even in bed at 7:15!!  It is going to be a busy day tomorrow so we need extra sleep :)  I am headed there myself very soon!

My mom called me this afternoon, she is currently at my sister's house for a visit, and mentioned that there had been several people with some real life changing medical issues at my sister's church.  Two stood out as they involved children...One was a little two year old girl that they diagnosed with leukemia yesterday and another two week old baby with some serious health issues.  My heart is heavy for them and others tonight.  I am praying for them tonight and thinking of this verse.

Psalm 18:2  The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

I am praying for those sweet people as they cling to THE ROCK tonight!  SO grateful HE is our STRENGTH when we have none.