Friday, January 13, 2012


Let's talk fish.  Sophia was trying to break a habit (I won't specify what kind of habit, but a habit) and we told her when she broke that habit we would buy her a fish.  So the day arrived she had earned her fish.  We loaded up and went to Wal-Mart to buy her a little tank and a Beta fish.  When we arrived we picked out the most beautiful rocks for the bottom, we picked out a really neat little tank (with a lid!) and food...then we headed to the fish.  They were all dead!  So I look down at my baby girl and as I am about to say we will have to come back another day.  She looks at me with her big brown eyes and says "I really wanted to have my fish today."  She looked so sad.  So like any good mom I immediately called Petsmart to see if they had Beta's (that were alive) they did.  So we drove to Petsmart (which is not close to our home).  She picked out a beautiful little Beta that she named Jewel (even though it is a boy fish).  He'll never know right?  Meanwhile, I am watching her older sister Michaela take in this whole situation and before I know it the very next day we are back at Petsmart getting a Beta for her, which she bought with her own money.  So now we have two Betas!!

That was two weeks ago.  Today I will make another trip to Petsmart to buy our fifth Beta.  Our first two died right away.  Last Friday we purchased two more and Sophia’s was dead by Tuesday.  Side note: Petsmart does have a 14 day guarantee on their fish.  Michaela’s fish is doing really well.  They have all been different kinds of betas (crown tail, half moon, and regular) so I am going to get Sophia the same kind as Michaela’s and maybe that will work?!?!    Who knew a little fish could cause SO much trouble (ha). 

These two are the "originals."

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