Friday, June 1, 2012

Mother Knows Best

So the statement goes "Mother Knows Best."  For 30 years, ok not 30 years exactly, but for a very long time I have enjoyed the occasional cookie dough ball.  There is nothing like...mixing all those ingredients together for a little ball of goodness.  Who doesn't love cookie dough?  I had one friend who froze brownie mix batter!  Surely, I am not alone in this.  I know at least two and my sister.  Well, almost every time my mother witnessed this behavior (my sister and me eating cookie dough) she would say..."your going to get salmonella poisoning if you eat raw eggs."  My mother knows best, it just took me 30 years to know this.

It's Memorial Day evening and Michael was working, the girls were in bed and I was blogging.  I was craving something sweet and remembered I had some frozen chocolate chip cookie dough balls.  I grabbed a ball and enjoyed every bite!  Several hours later I started to feel a little yucky.  By Tuesday morning it was full blown food poisoning.  I thought I was going to die and here I sit on Friday evening and I am just beginning to see the light at the end of this tunnel.  I am sick of applesauce and toast.

I should have listened to my mother.  I am never eating cookie dough again (I really mean it) because...My Mother knows best!!

I love you mom

1 comment:

  1. Aw, our Mom really does know best! :) Glad you are finally starting to feel better. Love you!
