A few weeks ago we studied having a clear conscience. I wanted to briefly type out some of my thoughts on this topic.
- I am amazed at what Samuel did before the people of Israel in I Samuel 12:1-4. He basically went before all the people and asked...have I offended any of you because if I have I want to make it right. Wow! Can we even imagine what our homes or churches or families would be like if people would be willing to "own" their wrongdoings. It takes quite a lot of humility to go before someone and say I think I have wronged you or offended you.
- The second amazing thing about this story is when Samuel asked the question the people of Israel responded with the answer that he had NOT offended them. So not only did he open himself up but the people responded with respect and appreciation. What a testimony!!
- So what about you and me? Are there people in our lives we need to go to and just humble ourselves and say "I am sorry"? Could you stand in your home or church or family or group of friends and open yourself up with the question...have I offended any of you? What do you think the response would be?
- There is a French Proverb that says, "There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience."
This has me asking...What kind of pillow will I sleep on tonight, hard or soft?
Wow! What a wonderful challenge...what kind of pillow indeed. Thank you for making me think.