Thursday, April 26, 2012

Nurse Nancy

Let me first tell you how I thought this week was going to go...

With last week being very busy I thought this week would be much calmer.  My boss (who also is my father) was going to be gone all week.  That usually means I can really catch up in the office.  The girls had a calm week at school with nothing major going on and things were calm on the church front as well.  I planned on Bible Study on Monday night, nothing Tuesday night, church on Wednesday and nothing Thursday night.  I was going to take a WHOLE day off and maybe even sleep in one day.

So that is what I for my reality check...

My mom has been having some procedures done and has needed a little help here and there.  My dad is out of town as I mentioned so I have been going over to her house in the morning and afternoon.  Well the little help changed to potential medical emergency on Monday night.  So after getting my girls home, canceling Bible study and getting my family fed and settled for the night I headed to her house to stay with her in case we had to go to the ER.  She was ok through the night and we spent Tuesday morning at the Dr..  Everything is fine (Praise the Lord).  She just needs to really take it easy, no driving or anything major.

So I get her settled, pick up the girls from school go back and check on her one more time.  I am finally heading home Tuesday night with my girls and my hubby calls.  He was a little frantic and said that he is breaking out all over his body with these red bumps.  I immediately tell him to take Benadryl.  He was outside in the woods a lot on Monday so I think it probably has to do with that. We discuss what it might be and I decide to call some of our outdoorsy friends since clearly I would not know the first thing about poison ivy/oak.  I stay inside because of things like that!!  After talking with my good friend we decided it was not anything like that.  So he headed to Minute Clinic and they tell him it is a reaction to a medicine he is on for when he sliced his foot open two weeks ago on an oyster bed in the ocean (that is a whole different story).  He should be better in the morning.  If for some odd reason he is not better in the morning come back in. (I am thank you, I don't want him go back if you could not figure it out the first time!)

I did not really buy the antibiotic reaction but we went with it.  After all I was so tired from my moms ordeal.

Note: this picture has nothing to do with the story.  I just love these two little ladies.

Wednesday morning he wakes up and it is much worse.  They are itching, painful, spreading, oozing, and crusting...yuck!! We call his primary care Dr. and they said to come in Thursday afternoon.  After a lot of personal research on the computer.  I think maybe my hubby has chickenpox, I call his mom to confirm he has had them and she announces that she does NOT think he has.  I panic and then quarantine my two little ladies and call the Dr back.  They now can get him in first thing Thursday morning (my how the schedule opens up)!  However, they kindly told me to park in the back and take him in through the back door.

When we got there they put him in this little room and told him not to touch anything or anyone.  I am thinking to myself...I just crawled out of bed with this guy...what do you think he has??

So we finally see the Dr. and they don't know what it is!??!?!?  They think it is some type of bacterial infection but are running lots of labs right now.  He is miserable, running a fever, itching like crazy and overall ready for this to be OVER.  I feel so bad for him.  Please pray for my mom and my sweet hubby!!

So here I am Thursday night and I am completely overwhelmed.  My house is a disaster.  I have more work than I did when I started the week.  My boss comes back on Monday (yikes).  The girls are exhausted.  Maybe next week, I'll have it together....

I think I should have been a nurse.

Just call me Nurse mom and husband do.

1 comment:

  1. You have a gift...both your nursing abilities and you ability to so colorfully retell the happenings. Praying for a swift recovery for both patients. Love you, Nurse Nancy.
