Friday, March 30, 2012

Disney {Day Three}

I am not quite sure what happened on the morning of Day three, but I did not even take one picture.  We slept in that morning and headed to Hollywood Studios.  Sophia was definately sick and not feeling well at all so we just spent a couple of hours there.  .  She really just had cold symptoms, but was miserable.  Sophia did discover that she LOVES the Star Wars ride...go figure.  Michaela got to ride the Rock 'n'  Roller Coaster for the first time and LOVED IT!!  It was a fun day.  We headed back late afternoon to take a nap because we had another very exciting late dinner planned.  Sophia slept for 2 hours and woke up feeling much better.  I did remember the camera for dinner.

On our way to dinner...

We headed to the Grand Floridian to eat at 1900 Park Fare with CINDERELLA!!  

The first special guest to our table was Prince Charming and he was just that...very charming.

The girls really loved this dinner. 

The next visitors were the stepsisters and the stepmother.  They were really funny and pretty much stayed in character the whole time.  

And finally...CINDERELLLA!!  She is Michaela's favorite princess by far.  So this was an extra special treat for her.  Sophia was most excited about Prince Charming :)

The Grand Floridian was beautiful.  Quite pretty to see and walk around.  We also discovered a nice little treat after dinner.  We were going to take the ferry back to MK and then catch a bus back to the hotel.  By the time we got to the dock the fireworks at MK were about to go off.  We knew we would be able to see them from the dock so we waited and watched them there.  It was the most special way to watch the fireworks.  It was beautiful!!!  I think that was my most favorite magical moment of the trip.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Disney {Day Two}

Warning: Picture Overload

We started day two bright and early...not really.  They did very good on this trip about not getting up at the crack of dawn which was nice.  

They still occasionally like to dress alike.  Although you will notice a slight but very important difference in their shirts.  I have been requested to never mix them up (no pressure).  So I figured I could document who wore what and I could reference this if need be.

Once we were up and dressed we headed straight for our favorite park...MAGIC KINGDOM!!! If you have small children I would just plan on this park being your favorite as well.  There are things for them at each park but there is not as much as MK!

My funny girls on the bus.  It was neat because Disney was testing a brand new bus that day.  It is over 20 feet longer than their normal buses and can hold 30-40 more people.  It was really long!  We enjoyed being bus "testers" for them and got to ask lots of questions to the Disney employees.

The first ride we headed to was the Barnstormer.  They are doing a MAJOR expansion to Fantasyland and had just reopened the Goofy roller coaster as well as half of the new Dumbo ride.  I can not wait to see the completely finished Fantasyland.  

OH MY!! This is what is coming in just a few years...Watch out!!

Our first time to try the hotdogs at Casey's Corner right off of Main Street...they were Yummo! (note added:  I just was reading this again and that is not a picture of them eating the yummy hot dogs but eating cotton candy...just so you know both were really yummy.)

After lots of rides and fun we decided to head back to the hotel for a nap and some swimming.  Sophia was starting to not feel well at this point so the nap really helped.  Plus we had a fun dinner planned at the Crystal Palace with some fun characters...

Waiting for our table...Do we look tired yet?

The first visitor to our table...Eyore!

then Winnie the Pooh...

next came Piglet...

and finally Tigger!!!

It was lots of fun and the girls really enjoyed it.  After dinner we split up so Daddy and Michaela could ride the "BIG" rides.  Sophia and I hit a few rides like Peter Pan, Winnie the Pooh, It's a Small World and others meanwhile Daddy and Michaela were riding Space Mountain, Splash Mountain and many more.  Sophia and I headed back to the hotel and went to bed and Michael and Michaela closed the park!!  She had a blast.  She is getting so big and I think she felt pretty special for getting to stay up so late.  The girl has endless energy.

These were taken with his phone but you can't miss that smile!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Disney {Day One}

We left for Disney early in the afternoon.  Michaela was not feeling good at all but I am pretty sure the worst was over for her.  We arrived early evening and checked in. It is always so exciting to finally get there!!!  

After we unloaded (which goes much faster now that we have two more happy helpers) we headed to Carrabba's!  This is one of our favorite restaurants. We were eager to use a gift card we had been saving. It was so yummy.

My sweet Michaela was still not feeling great but she loves pasta almost as much as her daddy so she was pretty excited.

Pasta is one of my hubby's love languages so he left with his stomach and love bank full! 

I had been saving new Disney pj's to give to the girls on our trip. I got them for only 6 bucks at the Disney store!  They have a twice a year sale (usually in July and January) and you can always get some really good deals.  Michaela got a new Belle gown.  Sophia got some new Jesse pj's.  

They were snug in bed early that night!!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Break - Craft Day

Sad to say but the girls went back to school today.  I think they were excited about starting again.  They were not excited about the early wake up nor was their momma!!  They both came home with lots of stories and you could tell they loved seeing all of their friends and teachers.

Friday was such a nice ending to a busy Spring Break.  We only left the house for 20 minutes to run to Red box to pick up the new Muppet's Movie (by the way it was really cute).  It was really nice just to be home plus it was rainy and cozy so that made it even more fun.

The girls love I mean LOVE crafts so that is what we did.  Their Grammy had purchased them some foam Easter wreaths for their doors.  We embellished them with paint pens.  Grammy also bought them some little ceramic Easter things to paint.  So they worked on those and had a great time.  I will admit at times it is hard for this OCD person to just watch but I am really trying to let loose and just let them do it all by themselves.

We finished the afternoon by surprising daddy and making chocolate chip cookies.  I really just helped them and they had the best time.  I really enjoyed it too.  For many years it was so overwhelming to have two happy helpers but the older they get the easier it is and the more enjoyable!

Here are a few pictures of our Craft Day

Not sure why this picture is so weird...I think it was the lightning.

Michaela painted the wreath and green duck.  Sophia did the yellow duck and bunny.

Michaela's Wreath

Sophia's Wreath

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Spring Break - Fishing with Daddy

On Thursday of Spring Break the girls went fishing with their Daddy.  They had the best time.  He is so patient with them.  It takes a lot to go with those little ladies.  There's lots of preparation.  You have to pack a lot of stuff--snacks, drinks, other stuff in 3 different back packs. You have to apply sunblock, bug spray and then wash your hands so none of that stuff gets on the worms. While he's there he assists with the girls casting, which includes untangling lines and baiting hooks and unsnagging hang-ups.     I am so thankful he is willing to do this.  The girls just love hiking down to the river with their daddy and spending this time with him.

Here are a few pictures from that day.  Sophia was the only one who caught a fish.  She actually caught it on the first cast.  They did have a few bites but other than that there was not much but they did make lots of memories!!

Look at that smile!

Michaela admiring her sister's catch!

Michaela with a twizzler in her mouth...the girl eats nonstop.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Flashback Friday

December 16, 2011 ~ PJ Day at School

The Friday before Christmas Break the girls had PJ/Movie day at school.  They thought it was SO COOL to go to school in their pajamas.  I was having a panic attack due to the lack of appropriate pj's to go to school in.  So I headed straight to Target (I'm happy for any reason to go there!) and tried to find something cute but not too tight and not too low and not too young and not too old.  I really needed something just right for both of them.  With girls 13 months a part I have learned that they want to be individuals now with their favorite colors, etc.  However, if I can get the same shirt or pants that is preferred and then make it different in color.  Now when it comes to Sunday dresses they still like to dress a like..go figure!  So here is what we came up with!

Wish I could wear my PJ's to work!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Not Gone For Long

This week is Spring Break for my girls...yea!!  I had written a whole post of what our plans were etc. but somehow it disappeared?!?!  I was trying to post it with blogger on my iPhone?  Does anyone have any thoughts on how to use that correctly?  I would love some help.

Anyways, we sat down last Thursday and made a "Spring Break To Do List."  Some items on the list were...Movie Night, Yard Day (yuck-this was my hubby's), Disney World, Fishing with Daddy and Park with Mommy.  So far we have done most of these.  Unfortunately both girls have been sick this week too.  They did this during Christmas Break as well.  I guess this whole break from school thing is new to them because every break they get sick...go figure.  I keep telling them if they stay healthy they will have even more fun!

The sickness did not stop us and we still forged on to Disney and had a Magical Time!!  I will be doing several posts in the days to come.  Today the girls are fishing with their daddy. They were both SO EXCITED!!  I am so grateful they have a daddy who invests time and energy in them.  He is such a gift from God! 

Have a super day!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


On this beautiful Sunday morning I thought I would share two of my favorite verses.

Philippians 2:13  For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of {his} good pleasure.

Psalm 73:28  But {it is} good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.

Have a wonderful day worshiping our Saviour.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Little Lady

Little Lady is our dog.  I am going to be really honest here...I am not really a dog lover or even a cat lover.  (don't hate) The main reason is I am deathly allergic to most dogs and all cats!  Typically when I encounter a dog or a cat give me 10 minutes and I have to start taking benedryl and if I have to stay near the animal I will almost always have to do something for my asthma I like them but not love them.

In June of 2009 we were going through a lot as a family.  We needed something happy...a puppy.  I'll never forget that hot summer day when I begged my hubby to go in the pet store to just "look around."  When we went in we explained my severe allergy and did they have any of those hypo allergenic dogs.  When I was growing up we had a Lhasa Apso and I never had issues with her so I know there was a possibility we could find a puppy that would work.  The man directed us to this little 4lb Shih Tzu Poodle.  She was SOOOO cute.  At this point my eyes are watering, my wheezing is in full gear and I had to leave the store.  It was bad.  The man promised us she would not cause issues since she has hair follicles not fur.  She does NOT shed.  She looses hair just like you or I do.  It is so cool.

Back to the husband said we have to think and pray about it.  The girls cried as we left and we headed home.  We all talked about it.  We called one of our dog lover friends to discuss the breed with her.  She highly recommended her.  We did a little price comparison and found out we were getting a wonderful deal since lady was already 4 months old.  We prayed about it and my hubby said yes.  The girls then cried again because they were so happy!

We called the store to tell them we would be coming back to see her again.  However, we were still concerned about my allergies.  They offered to give Lady a bath and bring her outside so I could see her without all the other pet dander flying through the air.  I thought that was very nice.  We did that and discovered I was just fine with Little Lady and that night she became ours.

We love Lady!!  She is a joy.  I love that no matter what she is happy to see you.  She brought a lot of joy to our life during those trying times.

This was at the pet store the day we bought her.  (Michaela is wearing her patch in many of these pictures.  See a previous post for explanation)

Our first night home.  The girls were so excited.

After her first haircut.  She was so tiny.

She is so patient with the girls.  They are both pretty rough at times on her (this will be a whole other post) and Lady is always kind.  Even when they dress her up in doll clothes.

Here is Little Lady today just chilling!!  We love Lady.