Friday, March 16, 2012

Little Lady

Little Lady is our dog.  I am going to be really honest here...I am not really a dog lover or even a cat lover.  (don't hate) The main reason is I am deathly allergic to most dogs and all cats!  Typically when I encounter a dog or a cat give me 10 minutes and I have to start taking benedryl and if I have to stay near the animal I will almost always have to do something for my asthma I like them but not love them.

In June of 2009 we were going through a lot as a family.  We needed something happy...a puppy.  I'll never forget that hot summer day when I begged my hubby to go in the pet store to just "look around."  When we went in we explained my severe allergy and did they have any of those hypo allergenic dogs.  When I was growing up we had a Lhasa Apso and I never had issues with her so I know there was a possibility we could find a puppy that would work.  The man directed us to this little 4lb Shih Tzu Poodle.  She was SOOOO cute.  At this point my eyes are watering, my wheezing is in full gear and I had to leave the store.  It was bad.  The man promised us she would not cause issues since she has hair follicles not fur.  She does NOT shed.  She looses hair just like you or I do.  It is so cool.

Back to the husband said we have to think and pray about it.  The girls cried as we left and we headed home.  We all talked about it.  We called one of our dog lover friends to discuss the breed with her.  She highly recommended her.  We did a little price comparison and found out we were getting a wonderful deal since lady was already 4 months old.  We prayed about it and my hubby said yes.  The girls then cried again because they were so happy!

We called the store to tell them we would be coming back to see her again.  However, we were still concerned about my allergies.  They offered to give Lady a bath and bring her outside so I could see her without all the other pet dander flying through the air.  I thought that was very nice.  We did that and discovered I was just fine with Little Lady and that night she became ours.

We love Lady!!  She is a joy.  I love that no matter what she is happy to see you.  She brought a lot of joy to our life during those trying times.

This was at the pet store the day we bought her.  (Michaela is wearing her patch in many of these pictures.  See a previous post for explanation)

Our first night home.  The girls were so excited.

After her first haircut.  She was so tiny.

She is so patient with the girls.  They are both pretty rough at times on her (this will be a whole other post) and Lady is always kind.  Even when they dress her up in doll clothes.

Here is Little Lady today just chilling!!  We love Lady.

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