Monday, April 2, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Let's talk about Saturday.  I was pretty excited about Saturday.  It did not live up to its expectations!  I had big plans but they changed.  We did sleep in a little, key word little.  We had pancakes which was nice.  Michaela had a birthday party in town so we had to leave by 10.  At about 9:30ish the sky turned black and the thunder started rumbling and the lightening flashing!  By 10 it was POURING.  Did I mention that it started to rain?  I mean hard rain the kind you curl up on the couch and read a book because "I am not going out in this?" kind of rain.  However, when you are a mommy and your sweet seven year old girl is SO excited to be going to a birthday party you get in the car and trudge on.

While Michaela was at her party which by the way she had a wonderful time, Sophia and I had a mommy/daughter date.  We went Easter dress shopping and had a nice lunch out.  I failed to take pictures as I am sure my little camera would have been ruined for all the moisture!  It rained the whole time we were out...ALL 5 hours!!!!  We did not see the sun until we were about 10 minutes from our house.

Even though it was a yucky day we still had a nice time.  Michaela had fun at her party, Sophia got some treats and we found Easter dresses!! Plus as another bonus I found them dresses on clearance for 12 dollars.  They were the same style but different print...YEA!!  They wore the bonus dresses today for church.

Here is a picture of my 2 little ladies in their new dresses...I love these girls SOOOOOO much!!

Sophia is currently sporting the "Mulan" look with her hair...she is so funny!

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